Here we go again!!! We are only a week away from the Norfork tournament. We will launch from Jordan's landing and begin fishing bright and early at 7 a.m. I plan to update the website about the middle of next week with any information I get on when people are leaving and where they are meeting.
I have talked to many people about many things since the last tournament. Our first two tournaments went really well, but because they were back-to-back weekends, we didn't have much time to reflect on the first tournament. We have had a little time to think about how to make our tournaments as efficient as possible. There are a few things that I would like to update:
1--When a competing boat decides to leave early, it would help if they would call my cell phone when they are leaving just to let me know they are gone. This will keep us from expecting someone coming in late, plus it will let me know that we shouldn't be back on the water looking for someone in trouble.
2--Weigh-in time is determined at each tournament, BUT from now on each boat will be asked to check in with me when they get to the ramp. This will eliminate anybody from sneaking in to the weigh-in a few minutes late with no penalty.
3--We are going to put a lot more emphasis on measuring borderline fish. We want to ensure that any fish that is weighed meets the length requirements. Any fish that seems close will be measured at weigh-in.
4--One rule that has been re-worded is the rule that states you can't leave the boat for anything except bathroom or weather. The rule now is worded "Fishing is only permitted from the boat." I do not want to punish someone for going to their truck because they forgot their cellphone or something like that. They are NOT allowed to fish while out of the boat though.
I don't intend to be a jerk with the rules, but I want everyone to know that the rules in place will be enforced. We want it to be fair and FUN! Everyone will be treated equally. If you have a concern about a rule or just want to make a comment, please feel free to call.
I am having a blast with the entire group and hope everyone else is too. It seems like we have a club full of good fisherman that are excited about making the club as good as possible. Let's keep it going at Norfork.
Our website seems to be pretty popular. We have a counter on it that shows we have had nearly 600 hits in about a month. That is amazing to me. We have had people from many different places access our website. Here are just a few:
Marked Tree
Little Rock (and North Little Rock)
West Helena
Batesville (yuck!....sorry I couldn't help that...haha!)
Lake City
Hot Springs
Those are just the places in Arkansas. We have had hits from Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, California, Kansas and New Jersey (I figure that is Iaconelli).
If you have been watching our website, but haven't fished with us before, please feel free to call me (870) 512-9400. I would love to talk to you about our club. There is a great group of guys that would love to have you join us. Whether you are from Cash, Trumann, Searcy or even Batesville, we would love to have you.
Sorry I made it so long....had a lot to say. Look forward to seeing everybody soon!