Saturday, February 26, 2011

Greers Ferry Results

Nicky Gates and Fuzzy Gates
5 bass---11.76 lbs
2nd Place
Jordan Walker and Jerry Walker
4 bass---10.82
Big Bass---5.65 lbs
3rd Place
Rob Hill and Dewight Jackson (RATT)
3 bass---9.76 lbs
4th Place
Bobby Gates and Ricky Gates
5 bass---6.46 lbs
Congratulations to Nicky and Fuzzy Gates! With 22 boats leaving the ramp this morning, it was going to take a nice sack of fish to win. Nicky and Fuzzy brought that nice sack to the weigh-in! Their 11.76 pounds were good enough to hold off Jordan and Jerry Walker. The Walkers had 4 fish that included the big bass of the day.....a 5.65 lb largemouth. Third place went to Rob and Ratt. Their 9.76 pound sack was aided by a healthy 5.38 lb largemouth. Bobby and Ricky Gates didn't bring a 5 pounder to the scales, but they did bring the only other 5 fish limit which was good enough for fourth.

We had a tremendous turnout today for a February tournament, and there were some nice fish brought to the scales. I would like to, again, say welcome back to everybody and welcome aboard to a few of you knew guys that fished with us. We already have 44 members, and I am sure we will continue to add new members in the next few upcoming tournaments. Pictures should be posted in the next few days. Hopefully there will be numerous other pics added to our Facebook page (Jackson County Bass Club) as well.
Thanks for participating and please pass the word on about our club. It looks like we have another good year ahead of us!
Tournament Stats
22 boats
41 fishermen
35 bass weighed
73.47 pounds of bass
16 out of 22 boats weighed fish
22 new members (44 total)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's Time to Start the 2011 Season!!!

We are only 3 days away from starting the 2011 season. Please remember that pre-fishing is now off limits for the Greers tournament this Saturday. We are going to put in at Devils Fork and launch at 8:00am. We will tentatively plan to weigh in at 4:00pm. I have already received a few calls about the tournament and the season. I expect to have a pretty good crowd Saturday and for the season. Please remind past club members and future members of the tournament.

I would really appreciate everybody trying to be there at around 7:15 or so. That will give us time to get members paid and signed up and also take tournament fees. Remember, at least one boater must be a paid member, so it will be easier if everybody just pays up their membership fee this week. The membership fee is now $25 per person and the tournament fee is $25 per person as well. If you would like to pay your membership before the tournament, just come see me.

If you would like to keep up with our club another way, please follow us on Facebook (Jackson County Bass Club). It looks like the weather should be nice, so I hope to see many people there Saturday morning!

Please feel free to call with any questions! (870-512-9400)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Upcoming Tournament Notes

I just wanted to let everybody know that I have heard from a few people that there is another tournament going out of Devils Fork the same day we are fishing. After thinking about it and checking into things, I think we are just going to go ahead and go out of Devils Fork at 8:00am. The other tournament is supposed to take off at safe light, so they should be out of our way, and the parking lot should be plenty big enough.

Also, I have been informed that there is going to be an OPEN fishing tournament this Saturday(Feb 19) at Poinsett in Harrisburg. The tournament will be from 8:00 until 2:00. $50 per boat and 5 fish limit. For any other details contact Rick Sampson at 501-940-7986.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


February 26---Greers Ferry (Ramp To Be Announced)---8:00-4:00
March 26------Norfork (Jordan)
April 9---------Greers Ferry (Devils Fork)
April 30--------Conway (Palarm Creek)
May 14---------Peckerwood
June 18---------Hurricane
July 23---------East Lake
August 13------Arkansas River (Pendleton)
September 3---Tulot
September 17--White River (Jacksonport)
October 8------TBD
October 29-----CLASSIC TBD


Rules Violations could result in any of the following: weight deductions, Tournament Disqualification, or Removal from the Club!

5 bass limit (for weigh in and amount in boat at any given time)

All living bass must be 12 inches in length (unless lake rules dictate otherwise).

The weight of any short fish will not be allowed.

Dead fish cause a one pound deduction from total weight. Dead fish will be included in Big Bass pool, but the 1 pound will be deducted for that weight as well. Only one dead fish may be weighed per boat.

All fish weighed become property of the club.

Only artificial lures may be used.

Boats late to weigh-in will have one pound per minute deducted up to 5 minutes....over 5 minutes results in DQ.

Fishing is only permitted from the boat.

The boat is not allowed to be pulled, pushed or dragged over any levee, dam or embankment.

Trolling as a method of fishing is prohibited, but drift fishing is allowed.

Participants can only use one rod at a time.

All boats must meet Game and Fish regulations.

Prior to tournament your boat and/or livewell will be inspected.

The upcoming tournament site may not be pre-fished by any competitor after Wednesday night the week of the tournament.

Prior to tournament, numbers will be drawn to determine take-off positions.

Prior to each tournament (not including the classic), the length of fishing time will be determined for that day.

Do not fish within 50 yards of another competitor-PLEASE USE PROPER FISHING ETIQUETTE!


Executive Committee
Billy Keedy----870-512-9400
Mike Warren--870-217-2330
Marvin Ross---870-503-0378
Bobby Teal
Brad Kieffner

Prior to the first tournament, the active members will meet and vote to discuss the calendar and decide site locations.

Any rule violation could result in disqualification. Rulings will be decided by the executive committee.

Any member that shows up late for a scheduled tournament must launch his boat and immediately find one of the executive committee members to pay their fee and have an inspection on their livewell.

In the event of a tie, the boats that are tied would split the corresponding points and prizes.

Membership fee is $25 per person. These funds will be used to finance the classic tournament at the end of the season.

Tournament fees are $25 per person (including $5 Big Bass). Classic Fee is $10/person.

Tournament Payouts:

If less than 10 people....1st place only and Big Bass
If 10-19 people....1st (70%) and 2nd (30%) and Big Bass.
20-39 people....1st (50%), 2nd (30%) and 3rd (20%) and Big Bass.
40+ people....1st (50%), 2nd (30%), 3rd (15%) and 4th (5%) and Big Bass.

Point Standings (no matter how many people in each tourney):
1st---20 points
2nd--15 points
3rd--10 points
4th--5 points
Big Bass--5 points

Points will determine the launch order of the Classic.

Two of the regularly scheduled tournaments may be dropped (as long as all scheduled tournaments are fished). The classic results must be used.

Any guest can fish 1 tournament without paying a membership fee (as long as they are fishing with a member), but they must pay the tournament fee. A competitor may fish by himself. Each boat must have a member present to fish.

If a team splits up during the season, the club will split their current point totals (both types of points).

If two members of opposite teams fish together in a tournament, they will split both points and weight for standing purposes.

If two teammates fish in the same tournament but with separate partners, the team will be rewarded the number of pounds and points from the boat of the partner that finished worse in that tournament.