Moving forward with the winter series we have landed the first two tournament dates and locations.
November 5th - Greers Ferry Devils Fork - 7:30 - 3:30
December 3rd - Norfork Quary Launch (Damsite) 7:30 - 3:30
$40 Per person entry fee 75% pay out
-The lake will be open for pre-fishing no off limit time.
-Only large, spotted, and small mouth bass of legal length may be weighed
-Short fish will receive a 2 pound penalty
-Any competitor late for weighin will be penalized 1 pound per minute. 10 minutes late you are disqualified.
-You may weigh only 1 dead fish with the dead fish you will acquire a 1 pound penalty.
-2 people per boat.
-Must wear a life jacket while outboard is running.
-Only artificial lures may be used. No live bait or prepared bait will be permitted. Only casting spinning or spin cast rod and reels may be used, and only one at a time.
-You may only exit the boat during tournament times in case of emergency.
-Pay at the ramp the morning of, one of us will try to be there at least an hour early to take money.
Any questions give us a call!
870-512-8588 - Andy Latting
501-283-1266 - Blake Anschultz