Monday, July 24, 2017


163.77 Blake Anschultz/Mike Anschultz
128.59 Nicky Gates/Jesse Cordell
111.79 Andy Latting/BJ Green
100.88 Bob Hardin/Sawyer Floyd
88.24 Rick Sampson/Bart Gaskin
83.67 Doug Cockrill/Mike Shipman
74.23 Mitch Brannon/Clint Brannon
72.89 Bill Wooten/Bill Elliot
71.81 Darrell Fletcher/Ron Mounts
65.91 Steve Westmoreland/Dillon Pigue
58.71 Jason Rath/Chad Day
52.89 Shay Taylor/Scott Baskins
43.00 Jason Walker/Bobby Gates
36.35 Mike Warren/Bill Hollandsworth
34.25 Joe Barker/Ron Hill
26.58 Butch Brown/Bo Freeman
25.19 Ricky Gates/Jason Gates
22.46 Eugene Zuber/Marvin Ross
22.46 Marvin Ross/Raymond Bradley
22.29 Brad Kieffner/Billy Keedy
21.14 Travis Hopkins/Shane Lindsey
15.34 Michael Bruner/Chris Bruner
13.34 Tony Gore
11.12 Brad Lewis/Larry Lewis
9.80  Steve Hastings
9.77 Jackson Walker/Dale G
9.71 Brad Kieffner/Justin Doyle
5.64 Mike Warren/Billy Max Warren
5.52 Jackson Walker/Clarence Allen
4 Kenny Pearle/Jeremy Sampson
4 Kenny Pearle/Dean Miller
2 Dennis Jarrett/Charlie Jarrett
2 Brad Lewis/Brandon Cook
2 Dustin Roddy
1 Zach Shipman

SBT Foods Lake Conway Clash

SBT Foods Lake Conway Clash Champions
Nicky Gates and Jesse Cordell
5 Bass - 13.21 lbs.
Second Place
Doug Cockrill and Mike Shipman
4 Bass - 11.81 lbs.
Third Place
Mike Warren and Bill Hollandsworth
5 Bass - 11.67 lbs.
Fourth Place and Denali Rods Big Bass
Jason Walker and Bobby Gates
3 Bass - 9.71 lbs
Denali Rods Big Bass - 4.69 lbs.
Fifth Place
Blake and Mike Anschultz
3 Bass - 8.44 lbs.
Our 7th stop of the year brought us some less than ideal conditions with very high temperatures and low weights.  We only had 2 limits cross the scales and it took a little over 8 pounds to land in the top 5.  We had 30 fish weighed in from 17 boats, weighing in at a total of 76.98 lbs.  We want to congratulate the top 5 for their efforts and thank everyone who came out to battle the high heat and stuck it out until the end!  Our next stop will be the Hurricane Scramble on August 19th and you will be granted access to fish the river as long as you are putting in on the refuge's ramp.  I will have more information on the set up and logistics of this scramble as it gets closer to time.  
Thanks again to all of our sponsors for backing our club again this year!  We greatly appreciate what you do!
Diaz Scrap Metal
Denali Rods
Black River Transportation
Greenway Equipment
George Kell Motors
Under The Rainbow
Weldon Flying Service
SBT Foods
Stella Rehab
Martin Industrial Supplies
Helena Chemical
C&C Distributors
The Outdoorzman Tackle Shop
JACO Construction
Harris Ford
White River Beverage Co.
Dillinger Funeral Home
Tournament Stats
17 Boats
30 Fish Weighed 
76.98 lbs
Over $600 in prize money awarded