Monday, July 25, 2016


Michael Bruner/Chris Bruner
Nicky Gates/Jesse Cordell
Mike Anschultz/Blake Anschultz
Bill Wooten/Bill Elliot
Jason Walker/Bobby Gates
Marvin Ross/Eugene Zuber
Bob Hardin/Sawyer Floyd
Doug Cockrill/Dennis Browning
Jason Rath/Justin Drain
Travis Hopkins/Shane Lindsey

Mitch Brannon/Clint Brannon
Rick Sampson/Bart Gaskin
Kenny Pearle/Jeremy Sampson

Dewight Jackson/Rob Hill
Raymond Bradley/Dennis Jarrett
Mike Warren/Billy Max Warren
Aaron Simpson/Andy Simpson
Eric Jackson/Steve Westmoreland
Andy Latting

Now pay attention to this and I will use myself (Andy) as an example.  I personally have fished 3 tournaments; given that I fish the last two, I will qualify for the classic.  HOWEVER since I have fished only one with Greg and one with BJ if they do not fish the last two they will not be able to fish the classic with me as that will not have fished 3 to qualify.

 The rule reads - One of the two team mates must fish at least 5 of the regularly scheduled club tournaments to become eligible to fish in the Classic.  In order for your partner to be eligible he has to fish 3 regular season tournaments to qualify.  

Hurricane Results

Hurricane Champion and Big Bass
Brad Lewis
5 fish - 17.01 lbs
Big Bass - 4.65 lbs.
Second Place
Marvin Ross and Eugene Zuber
5 fish - 13.33 lbs.
Third Place
Jason Walker and Bobby Gates
5 fish - 12.31 lbs.
Fourth Place
Bill Wooten and Bill Elliot
5 fish - 11.80 lbs.
Fifth Place
Mike and Zach Shipman
5 fish - 11.21 lbs.

The next tournament will be at Maddox Bay on August 20th.  We had 65 bass cross the scales weighing in at 138.86 total pounds.  Congratulations to the top 5, I will be posting the teams qualified for the classic, and the ones that will need to fish 1 or 2 to qualify. 


108.13 Michael Bruner/Chris Bruner
107.78  Nicky Gates/Jesse Cordell
106.11 Mike Anschultz/Blake Anschultz
93.02 Bill Wooten/Bill Elliot
88.75 Jason Walker/Bobby Gates
85.81 Marvin Ross/Eugene Zuber
82.85 Bob Hardin/Sawyer Floyd
71.4 Mitch Brannon/Clint Brannon
64.91 Doug Cockrill/Dennis Browning
62.12 Jason Rath/Justin Drain
49.13 Rick Sampson/Bart Gaskin
41.42 Travis Hopkins/Shane Lindsey
37.41 Eric Jackson/Steve Westmoreland
34.01 Brad Lewis
28.3 Andy Latting/Greg Latting
24.85 Aaron Simpson/Andy Simpson
23.38 Sam Evins/Chad Finkley
21.46 Joe Barker/Ron Hill
21.29 Raymond Bradley/Dennis Jarrett
21.21 Mike Shipman/Zach Shipman
18.12 Dean Miller/Fonda Miller
17.14 Brad Kieffner/Billy Keedy
16.63 Ricky Gates/Jason Gates
16.04 Brandon Cook/Nick Drake
13.91 Ron Mounts/Darrell Fletcher
13.59 Andy Latting/BJ Green
12.19 Dennis Jarrett
11.5 Dewight Jackson/Rob Hill
9.93 Chuck Branscum/Chad Finkley
8.1 Mike Warren/Billy Max Warren
7.78 DeWayne Smith/Jeff Herman
6 Kenny Pearle/Jeremy Sampson
2 Cody Coffey/Chase Scudder
2 Kenny Pearle/Danny Dixon
2 Cody Coffey/Chris Turner
2 Chip Youngblood/Ken Youngblood
2 Sam Evins/Chuck Branscum
2 Steve Westmoreland/Dillon Pigue

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Hurricane Refuge Tournament Update


We will meet at the parking lot this Saturday and leave there at 5:30 NOT 6:00, make sure you're there early enough to get things in order and be out by 5:30. You will weigh in at HONEY LAKE be there at or before 2:00. Blake will give you directions that morning if you don't know how to get there. Any questions call me or Blake. Pass the word on.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Hurricane Refuge Tournament

Tournament week! We are going to be fishing Hurricane Refuge this Saturday, (July 23). We will meet in the main parking lot of the refuge to pay entry fees. At 6:00 AM you will be released to go to your desired fishing area, and are to be back to weigh in at 2:00 PM. You will be able to put in on the river and fish if you'd like to do so. Blake will be heading this one up, find him to pay the entry.