Thursday, January 30, 2014


March1 --------------Horseshoe Lake
March 29 ---------Jacksonport    
April 26 ---Norfork
May 10 ---Greers
June 14 ----Conway
June 28 ------------Peckerwood    
July 12 ---------Hurricane   
August 9 --------------------Horner/Shirey/Portia   
Sept 6 ----------East Lake   
Sept 27 ----Classic

The following locations will be first on the list to be used if there is a need to move a tournament to a different location:

Backup Locations
March 29 ---Conway
June 28 ---------Jacksonport
July 12 -----Conway
August 9 ---Norfork
Sept 6 -----Greers

Sunday, January 12, 2014

2014 Season

I have had a few calls from people wondering when we are going to meet to discuss the upcoming season.  I don't know when we will meet, but it will probably be in the next week or two.  We will probably start the season the first weekend in March. 

Our club has been a great club the last few years.  We have consistently had a good number of boats in our tournaments, so the participation has been great.  In 2013, we averaged 19 boats per tournament (35 fishermen)!!!

We need to maintain that consistency.  I ask each of you to let me know if you know of somebody that may be interested in fishing with us.  If you would like me to call them to invite them, I would be happy to do that.  If you want to give them my phone number (870) 512-9400, please do that.

I am really looking forward to the 2014 season.  I hope to see all of you guys back on the water soon!
I will get the word out once a meeting is planned.