Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lake Conway Update

I just want to let everybody know that the Lake Conway tournament scheduled for this Saturday is currently still ON! We have somebody monitoring the water level there and it seems like we should be fine. If that changes for some reason, I will update the website. Please check the website periodically over the next couple of days for any changes.

As of right now, the plan is to fish out of Palarm Creek Landing. We will leave out at 6:30 and probably weigh-in at 3:00. This will allow 8 hours of fishing and 30 minutes to motor (SLOWLY) to and from where you are going to fish. It looks like the next couple of days are going to bring dry weather, so hopefully that will allow the lake level to drop a little more and everything will be fine. Again, we are still scheduled to fish and unless something drastic changes, I don't see that changing. PLEASE STAY TUNED!

Call with any questions.

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