Monday, August 22, 2016

AOY and Classic Payout

1ST - $600
2ND - $400
3RD - $200

1ST - $350 
2ND - $200
3RD - $100
BIG BASS - $150

AOY Standings

This year we are only paying the top 3 teams, and it looks to be a 3 way shoot out for that top position coming down to the last tournament. 

Mike Anschultz/Blake Anschultz
 Nicky Gates/Jesse Cordell
Michael Bruner/Chris Bruner
Bill Wooten/Bill Elliot
Jason Walker/Bobby Gates
Marvin Ross/Eugene Zuber
Bob Hardin/Sawyer Floyd
Jason Rath/Justin Drain
Mitch Brannon/Clint Brannon
Travis Hopkins/Shane Lindsey
Doug Cockrill/Dennis Browning
63.57 Rick Sampson/Bart Gaskin
Aaron Simpson/Andy Simpson
Mike Shipman/Zach Shipman
37.41 Eric Jackson/Steve Westmoreland
34.01 Brad Lewis
29.17 Joe Barker/Ron Hill
28.3 Andy Latting/Greg Latting
26.43 Raymond Bradley/Dennis Jarrett
23.38 Sam Evins/Chad Finkley
21.29 Mike Warren/Billy Max Warren
17.14 Brad Kieffner/Billy Keedy
16.63 Ricky Gates/Jason Gates
16.04 Brandon Cook/Nick Drake
15.59 Andy Latting/BJ Green
13.91 Ron Mounts/Darrell Fletcher
11.5 Dewight Jackson/Rob Hill
9.93 Chuck Branscum/Chad Finkley
8.1 DeWayne Smith/Jeff Herman
8 Kenny Pearle/Jeremy Sampson
7.78 Dean Miller/Fonda Miller
2 Cody Coffey/Chase Scudder
2 Kenny Pearle/Danny Dixon
2 Cody Coffey/Chris Turner
2 Chip Youngblood/Ken Youngblood
2 Sam Evins/Chuck Branscum
2 Steve Westmoreland/Dillon Pigue

Maddox Bay Results

Maddox Bay Champions
Travis Hopkins and Shane Lindsey
5 Bass - 17.28 lbs.
Second Place
Blake and Mike Anschultz
5 Bass - 12.29 lbs.
Third Place
Nicky Gates and Jesse Cordell
5 Bass - 11.27 lbs.
Fourth Place
Jason Rath and Justin Drain
5 Bass - 11.20 lbs.
Fifth Place 
Bill Wooten and Bill Elliot
5 Bass - 10.36 lbs.

Despite the rising water and heavy rains we still had a good turn out and had a good number of fish brought in, including the heaviest bag of fish this year!   There were 17 boats, bringing in 59 bass tipping the scales at 129.76 pounds.  The AOY Championship will be at East Lake on September 17th.  

Thank you to Maddox Bay Landing for the hospitality!  It was greatly appreciated, and I'm sure we will be coming back!

Below is an updated list of the Classic Qualifiers, and those that need 1 more to get in.  If you are not listed below you have not, or do not have the chance to qualify for the classic.  

Michael Bruner/Chris Bruner
Nicky Gates/Jesse Cordell
Mike Anschultz/Blake Anschultz
Bill Wooten/Bill Elliot
Jason Walker/Bobby Gates
Marvin Ross/Eugene Zuber
Bob Hardin/Sawyer Floyd
Doug Cockrill/Dennis Browning
Jason Rath/Justin Drain
Travis Hopkins/Shane Lindsey
Rick Sampson/Bart Gaskin
Mitch Brannon
Kenny Pearle/Jeremy Sampson

Aaron Simpson/Andy Simpson
Andy Latting/BJ Green
Raymond Bradley/Dennis Jarrett

Monday, August 15, 2016

Maddox Bay Tournament

We will be fishing Maddox Bay this Saturday (August 20th) we will blast off at 6:00 AM and weigh in at 2:00 PM. There is a $5 ramp fee per boat. If you have any questions feel free to give me a call!