Sunday, March 1, 2009

Des Arc (Saturday, March 7th)

Well, it seems to have been a pretty good decision to postpone the tournament. The weather forecast was correct and it would not have been very good fishing weather AT ALL! The snow is gone and the forecast is for much warmer weather this week. It looks like we will get started Saturday morning.

We are going to start at 8:00, but please remember that it would be helpful for everybody to be there by 7:30. We will be taking entry fees, membership fees, votes for 6 or 8 hours of fishing, and drawing numbers for takeoff positions. This could take some time.

Please feel free to come by my office to pick up a copy of the updated tournament rules. Also, if you haven't paid your membership fee, you can get that taken care of this week too. We already have 18 paid members (4 new). I look for an increase Saturday morning.

The camera is charged. The website is up and running. The schedule is complete. The spreadsheet is set (for keeping up with AOY standings). The weather should be better. Now, it is just time to catch some bass!

Look forward to seeing everyone Saturday (or hearing from you this week)!

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