Friday, April 23, 2010

Greers Ferry UPDATE!

After speaking with numerous people about the possible weather coming tomorrow, I took it upon myself to contact a weather person in Jonesboro. They believe that there will be storms coming through after midnight through the morning hours. Once they get through, it should be fine. I gave them a scenario for what my plan might be and they thought that it was a good plan. SO, HERE IT IS:

We are going to fish tomorrow morning from Hill Creek at 6:00. (Please be there by 5:45 or so) If we get there and it is still storming, or if there is a line of storms coming shortly, we will postpone it an hour or two (maybe all go eat breakfast or something) and then come back and fish. Be prepared to be there for 8 hours or more because if we have to postpone we may fish a little later than usual. If we get there and it storms from 6:00 through 8:30 and it looks like it is going to continue, then we can load up and come home and everybody can hate me....sorry! Again, I have been told that once it gets here and gets should be gone.

We will all fish at our own risk, but I want to try to be as safe as possible as a club. If it rains, let it rain....we won't melt. If there is lightning, we don't need to be on the water. So, be prepared to launch at 6:00 and bring your rain gear!

Good luck and I hope to see you all there!
Any questions, please call. 512-9400

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